
Success Stories


  • Education: university
  • Hobbies: family, travelling, relaxing
  • Motto: Every morning I look forward to what the new day will bring

My journey

Moniko, ve firmě pracuješ již od roku 2013. Jak probíhal Tvůj pohovor a co Tě přesvědčilo?

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Do společnosti RESPECT jsem nastoupila hned po absolvování vysoké školy. V této době jsem si nebyla jistá, jakému oboru a jaké činnosti se chci věnovat, proto jsem procházela různé pracovní nabídky uveřejněné na internetu. Zaujala mě nabídka pozice „Asistentka generálního ředitele“, proto jsem oslovila první kontakt v inzerátu, který patřil přímo generálnímu řediteli Zdeňku Reiblovi, což jsem v té době ještě netušila. Absolvovala jsem s ním a následně s HR tři kola pohovorů a posléze jsem byla přijata.

How was your journey through RESPECT? What do you enjoy about working in the insurance industry?

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In the beginning I was mainly engaged in assisting and administrative activities for the management of the company. I consider my work as an assistant to be a very valuable experience, both because of the knowledge and skills I gained and because of the general overview of the company. Subsequently, I became a quality manager. In my new role, I focused on the quality management system, participated in the methodology of processes within the client management, checked compliance with applicable internal regulations and legal requirements, and prepared reports and documents for managers and company executives. After about 5 years in the company, I was facing a completely new and perhaps the most difficult task - maternity . After 9 months on maternity leave, I started to miss my job, so I was very happy when RESPECT offered me to continue my projects within quality management. I find my work very interesting and creative. I can say without exaggeration that my working day is never the same.

What do you like/dislike about RESPECT?

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What I like most about my work is the variety. By taking on new agendas, I have been involved in projects and sub-activities across the company, which has allowed me to learn about new things and the work of my other colleagues in different departments. I also appreciate the individual approach in providing flexible working hours while on parental leave. This allows me to continue to develop personally and professionally while also remaining an active mum to my daughter.

Jaký by měl být a co bys doporučila uchazeči o práci v RESPECTu - na co by se měl připravit?

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Záleží samozřejmě na pozici, ale většinou platí, že by měl být flexibilní, spolehlivý a zároveň se zajímat o rozvoj daného oddělení a sám se na tom také podílet. V naší společnosti je pečlivě nastaven zaškolovací a vzdělávací systém. Není tedy potřeba se obávat toho, že se uchazeč nikdy pojišťovnictví nevěnoval. Vše se dá naučit.

When you're not working, what do you do to recharge your batteries?

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When I'm not working, I'm currently most focused on my two-year-old daughter. When time permits, I relax, visit wellness centres and play sports. I like to explore new places both in the Czech Republic and on foreign holidays.

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